Serving the Greater St. Louis, Missouri area!

Benefits of St. Louis Private Driving Lessons

Learning to drive can be a stressful experience. As a new driver, you have to process a lot of information as quickly as possible while in a moving vehicle and then just as quickly decide what information to ignore and what information to act on. Road signs, traffic signals, traffic patterns, weather, road conditions, and other drivers are examples of the near constant bombardment of information you can expect to receive behind the wheel of a car and that’s not even taking into account modern heads-up displays on cars.

Private Instruction Versus Backseat Driving

The focus is on you with Missouri Driving School's private lessons!
The focus is on you with Missouri Driving School’s private lessons!

The last thing you need as a student driver is the distraction of other student drivers in the car with you. Even if those students are quiet, you are aware others are in the car aside from the instructor and you feel the pressure of being observed. Even if no one says anything, you’ve heard the term “backseat driver” and you are more aware of your mistakes when you feel others are watching you closely. And of course if another student driver does make comments, it can rattle you and make you more nervous, potentially leading you to make more mistakes and lose focus, and instead of becoming more confident in your driving you may change your focus to ending the driving lesson as soon as possible.

You can eliminate the stress of having passengers in your vehicle when you are learning to drive by taking private driving lessons. A St. Louis private driving lesson is one where you are the only student in the vehicle. Your instructor, while still technically a passenger, should be a source of support, someone who is guiding you and encouraging you and sharing poignant information with you, not distracting you from your learning. Our driving instructors do not judge you or make flippant comments about your driving – their entire goal is to help you become comfortable behind the wheel and to learn to drive safely.

Focusing on You, The Future Driver

An advantage of a private lesson is that your instructor focuses entirely on you and your strengths and weaknesses, which means that as soon as you show mastery in one particular area of driving you can move on to a different area of driving, literally and in terms of what comes up in conversation. The instructor will not make comments targeted at any other student learners who would be in the vehicle for a group lesson, and the lessons become tailored to you instead of generalized to a group. The instructor doesn’t have to try to focus on the needs of more than one student, which can be distracting for the instructor.

Optimizing Your Time

Another advantage to being the only student in a driving lesson is that you don’t spend any time waiting while other students take their turns at the wheel and you don’t have to wait for any other students to be picked up or dropped off, nor do you have to find a way to get to and from a group driving lesson. A private lesson means one of our instructors picks you up and drops you off at your house and all student driving time is yours.

If you are ready to schedule a St. Louis private driving lesson, call us at (314) 849-4590.

Missouri driving lessons are in session. Call to schedule!(314) 849-4590